Cheomji of Jeonseo Fraction of Wonju Byun(邊/邉) Clan
Shenyang Feudal Lord(Yuan), Jeonseo(Minister in Goryeo), Cheomji(Major General in Joseon)
Flowchart of Byun’s Clan History (Ancestors of Wonju Byun Clan)
The generation showed the generation number after D (Deukseong), J (Jangyeon), H (Hwangju), and W (Wonju Byun), respectively. All the ancestors of the Jangyeon, Hwangju, and Wonju Byun Clans in this table started from the Goryeo Dynasty. Figures 1 and 2 show the process of change in the Byun family's Main building, Deukseong, Jangyeon, Hwangju, and Wonju. There are a total of 13 generations, from Yooyeong, the Jangyeon Byun Clan, to Sook, the 2nd generation of the Wonju Byun Clan. The period is 261 years if you calculate the period from the records of the Jangyeon Byun Clan, Yooyeong, during the reign of King Injong of the Goryeo Dynasty (1138) to the death of Sook (1399). If you calculate the year of a generation, it comes out as 20 years. The Byun clan seems to have branched out from the Jangyeon Byun clan to the Hwangju Byun clan, and from the Hwangju Byun clan to the Wonju Byun clan. The mark @ indicates an adopted son from a relative.
Deukseong Byun Clan 0th generation, Ang (卬) held an official position in the Song Dynasty, 1st generation of the Deukseong Byun Clan, Kyung (鏡) held government posts in Song and Silla, Deukseong Byun Clan 2nd generation, Joongryang (重亮) holds an official position in the Song Dynasty, the 3rd generation of the Deukseong Byun family, Yeon (演) held an official position in the Song Dynasty, the 4th generation of the Deukseong Byun Clan or the 1st generation of the Jangyeon Byun Clan, Yooyeong (有寧) held government posts in the Song Dynasty and Goryeo. From Ang (卬) to Yooyeong (有寧), as a person from the Song Dynasty, Byun briefly held an official position in Silla, while Yooyeong (有寧) moved to Goryeo and seems to have been separated from the Deukseong Byun Clan to the Jangyeon Byun Clan.
According to <Wonju Byun Family Sebo>, 'Wonju Byun Clan came to Hwangju in Goryeo at the end of the Song Dynasty and settled there, then went back to Yuan Dynasty and was appointed as a Feudal Lord in the area called Shenyang'. Chunghyo, the 1st son of the 3rd generation of the Jangyeon Byun Clan, became the descendant of the Jangyeon Byun Clan, and the 2nd son of the 3rd generation, the grandson of Chungje, Ryeo became the Hwangju Byun Clan.
The 1st generation of the Jangyeon Byun Clan, Yooyeong lived in Goryeo, Ryeo, a descendant of the 5th generation descendant of the Jangyeon Byun family, came to Goryeo after the Northern Song collapsed. Ryeo became the progenitor of the Hwangju Byun Clan. Yoon (允, 2nd generation descendant of the Hwangju Byun Clan) was promoted to Jinsa (a person who passed the relevant exam in the past system) and was promoted to Anchalsa (Provincial Minister in the Goryeo Dynasty) and Yoo (宥, 3rd generation descendant of the Hwangju Byun Clan) was Gongbuuirang (currently Deputy Director, to the rank of Colonel) in Goryeo dynasty. Anyeol (安烈, 8th generation descendant of the Hwangju Byun Clan, 1st generation descendant of the Wonju Byun Clan) and his ancestors Je (制, 4th generation descendant of the Hwangju Byun Clan) and Nul (訥, 5th generation descendant of the Hwangju Byun Clan) held government posts in Goryeo. Anyeol's grandfather, Soon (順, 6th generation of the Hwangju Byun Clan), assisted an envoy from Goryeo to Yuan Dynasty, and received an official position as a Feudal Lord in Shenyang (瀋陽候). Anyeol's father, Ryang (7th generation of the Hwangju Byun Clan) maintained the Feudal Lord in Shenyang (瀋陽候).
Ryang’s 1st son, Anbaek (安伯, 8th generation descendant of the Hwangju Byun Clan) continued to hold the official post of the Feudal Lord in Shenyang (瀋陽候). Anbaek’s 2nd son, Sook, came to Goryeo as a scholar of the Yuan Dynasty following Samsa-gong (duke Samsa) and served as Gajeongdaebu Hobujeonseo (嘉靖大夫 戶部典書). Anyeol (安烈, 8th generation descendant of the Hwangju Byun Clan) was born in the Yuan Dynasty in 1334, the 2nd of 3 sons and 1 daughter. In 1351, he won first place in the military examination of the Yuan Dynasty and received the official title of Hyeongbusangseo (刑部尙書, current Minister), and in 1352, he accompanied Princess Noguk, who would become the queen, came to Goryeo. Anyeol became the progenitor of the Wonju Byun Clan, and his spouse was the Wonju Won Clan.
In the Miscellaneous Records (雜錄), ‘Duke Byun (邉(邊)公, Hyun현玄) was from Song (宋) Dynasty, but he escaped from the Jin (金) dynasty and came to Cheongseo (청서靑嶼 ) to live. It was written that his son Ryeo (呂) and grandson Yoon (允) became these noble and wise men. Descendants of Mizhung, the ancestor of the Byun family, lived in East Asia from the Yin (Shang) Dynasty, the Spring and Autumn Period, the Jin, Han, Sui, Tang, and Song dynasties, and migrated to Goryeo at the end of the Song Dynasty. Yooyeong, the 1st generation of the Jangyeon Byun clan, lived in Goryeo, while Ryeo, the 5th generation of the Jangyeon Byun clan, lived in Northern Song. Judging from the fact that Yooyeong's great-grandson, Hyun, came to Goryeo from Song with Ryeo in Miscellaneous Records, it seems that only part of Byun's family came to Goryeo, while the rest of his family continued to stay in Song.