Cheomji of Jeonseo Fraction of Wonju Byun(邊/邉) Clan
Shenyang Feudal Lord(Yuan), Jeonseo(Minister in Goryeo), Cheomji(Major General in Joseon)
Goryeo (高麗 918~1392), Song (宋 960~1279) and Yuan (元 1271~1368)
Goryeo always had superior relations with countries in East Asia as a country descended from heaven with its genius diplomacy. Because Goryeo lived with self-confidence, Goryeo was conscious of being an imperial state and had relations with neighboring countries as an imperial state. It can be said that Goryeo unified the three kingdoms in its early days and that the country began as a union of noble families rather than royal power. Goryeo can be divided into three periods (Kings of Goryeo 1-17, 17-23, and 24-34). It was after the war between Goryeo and the Khitan that Goryeo was able to become an imperial state(Hyeonjong, the 8th king of Goryeo). The Khitan or Liao destroyed Balhae and were superior to the Song in national power. It was the 17th king of Goryeo, Injong (1146), and from the 18th to 23rd kings of Goryeo, it was a military regime. After that, it was the period of intervention by the Yuan Dynasty. To conquer Song, Liao should have conquered Goryeo, which is next to Liao. However, Liao suffered many defeats from Goryeo in the war. In other words, although Liao defeated Song in many battles, Liao could not defeat Goryeo. Afterwards, Goryeo was considered a powerful country by the Liao and Song. Liao was Khitan and Khitan is known worldwide, and Cathay Pacific Airline means Khitan.
The Yuan Dynasty changed its name from Mongolia to Yuan. To govern the large number of Chines Han people living in East Asia, Han Chinese-style country names and systems were used, but they were not assimilated into the Han Chinese. The Khitan, Jurchen, and Mongolian people also changed their country names to Liao, Jin, and Yuan to govern the large number of Han Chinese living in East Asia and used the Han Chinese style of system. The Song Dynasty was militarily powerless after losing battles to Daehara and Khitan. The Song Dynasty gave more gold, silver, and silk than the requirements of the Daeha Dynasty and Khitan, leaving a record that the two countries were equal.
The relationship between ‘Song’ and ‘Goryeo’
In the East Asian region, after the collapse of the country called Tang, it was divided into five countries (Later Liang, Later Tang, Later Jin, Later Han, and Later Zhou). In the 11th year of King Gwangjong of Goryeo (960), a country called Song unified five countries. Goryeo was influenced by Song culture while interacting with Song. Meanwhile, the Song was threatened by the Liao and Jin dynasties in the north. So, the Song wanted to join forces with the Song Dynasty to keep Goryeo in check against the Liao and Jin Dynasties in the north. At that time, many people from Song Dynasty were naturalized in Goryeo due to threats from Liao and Jin. In the Miscellaneous Records (雜錄), it is written that Ryeo's father Hyun moved to an area called Cheongseo (Baengnyeongdo) with Ryeo to escape from the Jin Dynasty.
However, during the reign of King Hyeonjong of Goryeo (1009~1031), Goryeo concluded peace with the Liao Dynasty and formal diplomatic relations with the Song Dynasty were suspended. During the reign of King Munjong of Goryeo (1046~1083), diplomatic relations with the Song Dynasty resumed.
Relationship between ‘Won (Yuan)’ and ‘Goryeo’
Mongolia was unified in 1206 by Genghis Khan. Mongolia destroyed the Jin Dynasty. In the 4th year of King Gojong of Goryeo (1237), the Khitan invaded Goryeo. Goryeo was fighting against the Khitan, and coincidentally, 'Mongolian' soldiers fought together against the Khitan and won, and Goryeo came to have a local castle called 'Gangdong'.
Mongolia demanded from Goryeo in return for helping Goryeo. Coincidentally, in the 12th year of King Gojong (1245), a Mongolian envoy visited ‘Goryeo’ and was killed in an accident while returning to ‘Mongol’. Due to the death of an envoy in an accident, Mongolia attacked ‘Goryeo’ six times until the 46th year of King Gojong (1259) of Goryeo.
The armistice between Goryeo and Mongolia was established in Goryeo by King Wonjong 11 (1270). However, the unequal reinforcement, it caused a rebellion against Goryeo military officials. Goryeo military officials rebelled against the Mongols in an area called Ganghwado. Sambyeolcho was the name of the bodyguards created during the Goryeo military regime. After that, Sambyeolcho moved to Tamra (now Jeju Island) and continued its resistance against ‘Mongolia’. In the 12th year of Goryeo King Wonjong (1271), Mongolia changed the name of the country to Yuan. At the end of the Goryeo Dynasty, until the reign of King Gongmin (1351-1374), Goryeo came under the control of Yuan.
Goryeo Dynasty 918~1392:Ryeo's activities have been recorded since the reign of the 23rd King Gojong (1232).
Ryeo (呂)'s activities have been recorded during the reign of the 23rd King Gojong (1232)
Yoon (允) served as Anchalsa (按察使), Yoo (宥) served as Gongbuuirang (工部議郞), Je (制) served as Gwangnokdaebu (光祿大夫), Nul (訥) served as Munhasijung(門下侍中) and Soon(順) served as Sanghogun (上護軍) during the reign of the 24th King Wonjong(1259~1274),
Soon and Ryang appointed Feudal Lord in Shenyang of Yuan during the reign of the 24th King Wonjong(1259~1274) and 25th King Chungryeol (1274~1308).
Anyeol (安烈) came from Yuan to Goryeo with Princess Noguk during the reign of the 31st King Gongmin(1361)
King Taejo, the first king of Goryeo Dynasty, reigned from 918 to 943. Emphasizing that Geon Wang was the progenitor of Goryeo and the successor to Goguryeo, he carried out a policy to recover the land of Goguryeo and stabilized the country by marrying powerful families.
King Hyejong, the 2nd king of Goryeo, reigned from 943 to 945. As the 1st son of Geon Wang, he suffered from a fight for the throne with his half-brothers.
King Jeongjong, the 3rd king of Goryeo, reigned from 945 to 949. He was Geon Wang's son and Hyejong's half-brother. He tried to move the capital to Seogyeong (Pyongyang) but failed.
Gwangjong, the 4th king of Goryeo, reigned from 949 to 975. To strengthen the royal authority, a law was enacted to restore those who were not originally slaves but were captured in war or forced to return to their previous status because they could not pay their debts, and an imperial examination was conducted.
King Gyeongjong, the 5th king of Goryeo, reigned from 975 to 981. He was the 1st son of Gwangjong. In 976, he established Jeonsi Division (田柴科). Jeonsi Division (田柴科) established a system for distributing land to government officials during the Goryeo Dynasty.
King Seongjong, the 6th king of Goryeo, reigned from 981 to 997. He was the grandson of Geon Wang.
King Mokjong, the 7th king of Goryeo, reigned from 997 to 1009. He was the 1st son of King Gyeongjong.
King Hyeonjong, the 8th king of Goryeo, reigned from 1009 to 1031. He was Geon Wang's grandson. He produced the Tripitaka (6,000 volumes) to defeat the invasion of the Khitan army with Buddhist power. In 1019 (the 10th year of King Hyeonjong), General Kamchan Kang (姜邯贊) defeated the Khitan army at Guiju.
King Deokjong, the 9th king of Goryeo, reigned from 1031 to 1034. Hyeonjong's 1st son. He established a preliminary exam to assist the final exam to enter the court through the past exam. This procedure is to give the position of Jinsa through an examination at the Gukjagam.
King Jeongjong, the 10th king of Goryeo, reigned from 1034 to 1046. He was the 2nd son of Hyeonjong. In 1044, the 400 km Great Wall (Chunrijang Wall) was completed, and the status of children born between a man of common people and a woman of a slave was enacted according to the maternal line. And he established the succession of generations to his firstborn son. The influence of Confucian culture enforces cultural practices that place men at the top and women at the bottom in terms of social status and rights.
King Munjong, the 11th king of Goryeo, reigned from 1046 to 1083. He was the 3rd son of Hyeonjong. The king who achieved the most brilliant cultural golden age of the Goryeo Dynasty.
King Sunjong, the 12th king of Goryeo, reigned from 1083 to 1083. He was the 1st son of King Munjong.
King Seonjong, the 13th king of Goryeo, reigned from 1083 to 1094. He was the 2nd son of King Munjong. He reorganized the Goryeo system by referring to the system of the Song Dynasty.
King Heonjong, the 14th king of Goryeo, reigned from 1094 to 1095. He was the 1st son of Seonjong. He handed over the throne to his uncle (Sukjong) within one year of his accession.
King Sukjong, the 15th king of Goryeo, reigned from 1095 to 1105. He was the 3rd son of King Munjong. He had money minted, made, and used silver coins of the Goryeo Dynasty.
King Yejong, the 16th king of Goryeo, reigned from 1105 to 1122. He was the 1st son of King Sukjong. He founded the Student Aid Foundation.
King Injong, the 17th king of Goryeo, reigned from 1122 to 1146. He was the 1st son of Yejong. He had Busik Kim compile the Samguksagi (History books of Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla), and there were Jagyeom Lee's Rebellion and Myocheong's Rebellion.
King Uijong, the 18th king of Goryeo, reigned from 1146 to 1170. He was the 1st son of Injong. Joongbu Jeong and Uibang Lee were dethroned due to a military coup.
King Myeongjong, the 19th king of Goryeo, reigned from 1170 to 1197. He was the 3rd son of Injong. He was dethroned by Chungheon Choi, a military official who took control of the government.
King Shinjong, the 20th king of Goryeo, reigned from 1197 to 1204. He was the 5th son of Injong. Chungheon Choi seized real power, and a series of civil riots, such as the Manjeok Rebellion, took place.
King Heejong, the 21st king of Goryeo, reigned from 1204 to 1211. He was the 1st son of Shinjong. He was dethroned after failing to kill Chungheon Choi.
King Kangjong, the 22nd king of Goryeo, reigned from 1211 to 1213. He was the 1st son of Myeongjong. In 1197, he was chased by Chungheon Choi and went to Ganghwado, and in 1211 Chungheon Choi restored him to the throne.
King Gojong, the 23rd king of Goryeo, reigned from 1213 to 1259. He was the 1st son of Kangjong. He moved the capital to Ganghwado due to the invasion of Mongolia and fought for 28 years. In 1232 (the 19th year of King Gojong of Goryeo), Mongolian soldiers invaded the capital of the Song Dynasty (宋京, Gaebyeon 開封). King Gojong took refuge in Ganghwado, and Ryeo(呂) Byun assisted King Gojong while he was evacuating. So King Gojong of Goryeo gave Ryeo(呂) Byun the position of Sangjanggun (上將軍Major General), and as a reward, Taechon (泰天伯) was given as Sikeup (食邑). Sikeup (食邑) was called Tenant-in-chief, and in East Asia, it was land given to meritorious subjects or royalty in the country.
King Wonjong, the 24th king of Goryeo, reigned from 1259 to 1274. He was the 1st son of King Gojong. He also promoted the pro-Mongol policy and the return of Gaegyeong. He was dethroned by Imyeon in 1269, and after returning to Gaegyeong in 1270, there was a Sambyeolcho resistance against Mongolia. At that time, Yoon (允), a member of the Byun Clan in Wonju, served as Anchalsa (按察使), Yoo (宥) served as Gongbuuirang (工部議郞), Je (制) served as Gwangnokdaebu (光祿大夫), Nul (訥) served as Munhasijung(門下侍中), Soon(順) served as Sanghogun (上護軍). In 1268 (the 9th year of King Wonjong), Soon(順) assisted an envoy from the Yuan Dynasty and went to Yuan to be appointed Feudal lord in Shenyang(瀋陽侯).
King Chungryeol, the 25th king of Goryeo, reigned from 1274 to 1308. He was the 1st son of Wonjong. He was the king of Goryeo and was the son-in-law of the Yuan Dynasty and married a Yuan Dynasty princess. Ryang(諒) kept Feudal lord in Shenyang(瀋陽侯).
King Chungseon, the 26th king of Goryeo, reigned from 1308 to 1313. He was the son of King Chungnyeol. His mother was from the Yuan Dynasty. He tried to reform but failed due to the Yuan Dynasty and his subjects following Yuan.
King Chungsuk, the 27th king of Goryeo, reigned between 1313~1330 and 1332~1339. He was the 2nd son of King Chungseon. He was plagued by a power struggle with King Goh of Shenyang (King Chungseon's nephew).
King Chunghye, the 28th king of Goryeo, reigned between 1330~1332 and 1339~1344. He was the 1st son of King Chungsuk. He was dethroned by the Yuan Dynasty and reinstated.
King Chungmok, the 29th king of Goryeo, reigned from 1344 to 1348. He was the son of King Chunghye. He ascended the throne at the age of eight and died at the age of 12. His mother, Princess Deoknyeong, managed as regent for state affairs.
King Chungjeong, the 30th king of Goryeo, reigned from 1349 to 1351. He was the son of King Chunghye's 2nd spouse. He was installed as king by the Yuan Dynasty at the age of twelve but was deposed after 3 years.
King Gongmin, the 31st king of Goryeo, reigned from 1351 to 1374. He was the 2nd son of King Chungsuk. He carried out reforms and anti-Yuan policies for the reconstruction of Goryeo. In the 10th year of King Gongmin (1361), Anyeol Byun came from Yuan to Goryeo with Princess Noguk.
King Woo, the 32nd king of Goryeo, reigned from 1374 to 1388. When King Gongmin was assassinated, he ascended the throne at the age of ten. He was dethroned after Seonggye Lee's Wihwado returned and was expelled from Ganghwado.
King Chang, the 33rd king of Goryeo, reigned from 1388 to 1389. He was the son of King Wu. He ascended the throne at the age of nine and was dethroned by Seonggye Lee.
King Gongyang, the 34th king of Goryeo, reigned from 1389 to 1392. He was the 7th descendant. He was the last king of Goryeo.