Cheomji of Jeonseo Fraction of Wonju Byun(邊/邉) Clan
Shenyang Feudal Lord(Yuan), Jeonseo(Minister in Goryeo), Cheomji(Major General in Joseon)
Find Your Ancestors in Duke Cheomji Fraction using Your Name
The following shows the people of duke Cheomji fraction. You can use your name to identify your direct ancestors. Adopted ancestors show ancestors after adoption and pre-adoption information is not displayed. Based on ‘Wonju Byun Clan Duke Jeonseo fraction Generation Record Book in 2002’, the total number of Duke Cheomji fraction members was recorded to be between 911 and 952. The reason that the total number of people is 952 instead of 911 is that it includes people with the same name who have the same Hangul and Hanja.
There is a chance that there is someone who has the same Korean pronunciation as your name. You may need to check your Hanja name, your father’s name (or Hanja name) and grandfather's name (or Hanja name) to find you.
H represents the Hwangju Byun clan, W represents the Wonju Byun clan, J represents the duke Jeonseo fraction of the Wonju Byun clan, and C represents the duke Cheomji fraction of the Wonju Byun clan. For example, H1, W1, J1, and C1 represent the 1st generation of the Hwangju Byun clan, the 1st generation of the Wonju Byun clan, the 1st generation of the Jeonseo fraction, and the 1st generation of the Cheomji fraction, respectively. The name contains a mixture of English, Korean, and Hanja, and the English spelling is written arbitrarily. The most frequently used Generation Characters in the duke Cheomji fraction of the Wonju Byun clan are Ha夏, Ung雄, Kuk國, Bum範, Kyung慶, Hwa和, Hwan煥, Kyu圭, Seok錫, Seung承, Sik植, Hee熙, Jin鎭, and Ju周, Jong鍾, Hun勳, Heum欽, Hyun鉉, and Ho浩.
The founder of duke Cheomji fraction is Ryangbo (良輔), the 7th generation of the Wonju Byun clan.
Ryango's son, Soo (洙), inherited the 2nd generation of the duke Cheonji faction. However, Soo (洙) had no son, so he adopted Yijiin (以震) and became the 3rd generation of the duke Cheomji faction (僉知公派). Ryangbo (良輔) has a younger brother, Ryangjwa (良佐). The 2nd son of Ryangjwa (良佐) is Rak (洛). The 3rd son of Rak (洛) is Yijin (以震). Ryangjwa is the founder of the duke Gapsan fraction (甲山公派). Yijin (以震) is genetically a descendant of the duke Gapsan fraction (甲山公派), but was adopted and became the 3rd generation of the duke Cheomji fraction. In other words, the descendants of the duke Cheomji faction are genetically descendants of the duke Gapsan faction. In other words, it can be said that the descendants of the duke Cheomji faction and the duke Gapsan faction are much closer than other relatives.
The descendants of Yijin (以震), a member of the duke Cheomji fraction (僉知公派), can be broadly divided into the following. Descendants of Yijin's first son, Woo (寓), descendants of his second son, Sik (寔), descendants of his third son, Hwan (寏), descendants of his fourth son, Song (宋), and descendants of his fifth son, Jae (宰).
The following tells you how to find your direct ancestors using your name.
First, find out if you are a descendant of Woo寓, Sik寔, Hwan寏, Song宋, or Jae宰 in the Cheomji fraction People Index below. Next, it is found in the descendants of Woo寓, Sik寔, Hwan寏, Song宋, and Jae宰. One thing to keep in mind is that if there are same names, you have to look them all up. You can see the menu bar at the top of each document below. Click on the Magnifying Glass shape (Ϙ). Type the name you are looking for. Select ‘Highlight all’ and ‘Match case’ and press enter. The English spelling of the name was determined arbitrarily, so please understand that it is not the original English spelling of the individual's name.
The descendants of Woo (寓, 4th generation of the duke Cheomji fraction), the 1st son of Yijin (以震), are recorded only up to the 25th generation of the Wonju Byun clan or the 19th generation of the duke Cheomji faction.
The descendants of Sik (寔, 4th generation of the duke Cheomji fraction), the 2nd son of Yijin (以震), are recorded only up to the 22nd generation of the Wonju Byun clan or the 16th generation of the duke Cheomji faction.
The descendants of Hwan (寏, 4th generation of the duke Cheomji fraction), the 3rd son of Yijin (以震), are recorded only up to the 24th generation of the Wonju Byun clan or the 18th generation of the duke Cheomji faction.
The descendants of Song (宋, 4th generation of the duke Cheomji fraction), the 4th son of Yijin (以震), are recorded only up to the 19th generation of the Wonju Byun clan or the 13th generation of the duke Cheomji faction.
The descendants of Jae (宰, 4th generation of the duke Cheomji fraction), the 5th son of Yijin (以震), are recorded only up to the 20th generation of the Wonju Byun clan or the 14th generation of the duke Cheomji faction.
The descendants of Yijin (以震)'s 2nd son, Sik (寔), 4th son, Song (宋), and 5th son, Jae (宰), need more descendant information.
Cheomji Fraction People Index
Woo's(寓) descendants
Sik's (寔) descendants
Hwan's (寏) descendants
Song's (宋) descendants
Jae's (宰) descendants