Cheomji of Jeonseo Fraction of Wonju Byun(邊/邉) Clan
Shenyang Feudal Lord(Yuan), Jeonseo(Minister in Goryeo), Cheomji(Major General in Joseon)
W19. or W13-2-1-1-1-2-2 1855-1918, Seungphil(승필, 承弼) (No Son) -Seokyeon's 2nd son
字 敬欽 乙卯 正月 二日生 忌 戊午 二月 初九日 墓 中連 自責洞 卯坐原. 室 濟州 高氏 父 永煥 祖 世嚴 曾祖 宗燮 外祖 全州 李邦祚 乙卯 五月 二十四日生 戊寅閏 七月二十七日卒墓祔
Seungphil’s Courtesy name was Kyungheum (경흠 敬欽 Respect those you depend on). Seungphil was Seokyeon’s 2nd son. Seungphil was born on January 2, 1855 (February 18, 1855 철종 哲宗6; 을묘 乙卯年 King Chuljong, six years of ruling) and died on February 9, 1918 (March 21, 1918 Korea under Japanese rule 戊午年). Seungphil’s grave was in the eastern (90°) direction of Jungryun, Jachek-dong. Seungphil’s spouse’s family name was Ko (제주고씨 Jeju Ko Clan) and his spouse’s father’s name was Seum and his spouse’s grandfather’s name was Jongsub and his spouse’s mother’s father’s name was Bangjo Lee (Lee Clan in Jeonju Province). Seungphil’s spouse was born on January 24, 1855 (March 12, 1855) and died on July 27, 1938 (August 22, 1938). Seungpil and his spouse shared the same grave (祔).
Seungphil(승필, 承弼) had No son. Seungphil(승필, 承弼) adopted Hyunsik (형식 馨植) from Seungik(승익, 承翼)’s 2nd son. Hyungsik (형식 馨植) was adapted as a son. Seungik’s (승익, 承翼) was Seokyeon (석연, 錫淵)’s 1st son. Myungsik (명식, 明食) and Hyunsik (형식 馨植) were cousins.
Seungik’s (승익, 承翼) had 1st son, Youngsik (영식, 錫鉉), 2nd son, Hyungsik (형식, 馨植), and 3rd son Heungsik (흥식, 興植). Hyungsik (형식, 馨植), the 2nd son of Seungik’s (승익, 承翼), took over the 20th generation.
W20. or W13-2-1-1-1-2-1-2 1881-1944, Hyungsik(형식, 馨植) (Adopted son, No Son) -Seungik's 2nd son
字 蘭會 辛巳 九月 十八日 生 忌 甲申 十一月 二十七日 墓 自責洞 先塋 南麓 品字 室 德水 張氏 父 熙秀 祖 淳永 曾祖 元 戊寅 二月 三日生 外祖 全州 李鏡. 四寸 明植의 次男 熙豊 後嗣 入養
Hyungsik’s Courtesy name was Nanhoi (난회 蘭會 A special meeting or gathering of common interests and it is also a meeting that is held an independence movement). Hyungsik was born in 1881 (高宗18; 辛巳年 King Kojong, eighteen years of ruling) and died on November 27, 1944 (January 10, 1945 Korea under Japanese rule 甲申年). Hyungsik's cemetery was in Jajaek-dong and Hyungsik’s remains were also buried (品字). Hyungsik was buried on the south side (南麓) of Hyungsik's father's (Seungphil) grave (先塋). Hyungsik’s spouse’s family name was Jang (덕수장씨 Jang Clan in Duksu Province) and was born on February 30, 1878(March 6, 1878). Hyungsik’s spouse’s father’s name was Heesu and Hyungsik’s spouse’s grandfather’s name was Sunyoung and Hyungsik’s spouse’s great-grandfather’s name was Won. Hyungsik’s spouse’s mother’s father’s name was Kyung Lee (Lee Clan in Jeonju Province). Hyungsik had no son. Hyungsik adopted Heepung from Myungsik’s 2nd son. Myungsik was Seunguk’s 1st son. Seunguk was Seokyeon’s 4th son.
Hyungsik (형식馨植) had No son. Myungsik and Hyungsik were cousins. Myungsik (명식明植) had six sons, Heesung (1st son 희성熙成), Heepung (2nd son 희풍熙豊), Heekyung (3rd son 희경熙慶), Heechul (4th son 희철熙哲), Heedea (5th son 희대熙大) and Heeyoung (6th son 희영熙榮). Heepung (2nd son희풍熙豊) was adopted as a son. Heesung (1st son희성熙成) had a son, Namjoo (남주南周). Namjoo (남주南周) had a son, Jongseung (종승鍾昇). Jongseung (종승鍾昇) had a son, Junho (준호準浩). Heekyung (3rd son희경 熙慶) had a son, Dukjoo (덕주德周). Heechul (4th son 희철熙哲) had sons, Yoonjoo (1st son 윤주潤周), Soonjoo (2nd son 순주舜周). Yoonjoo (윤주潤周) had a son, Heunpil (흠필欽弼) and Soojoo (순주舜周) had a son, Jonghyun (종현鍾絃). Heedea (5th son 희대熙大). Heeyoung (6th son 희영熙榮) had a son, Bumjoo (범주凡周).
Hyungsik’s son, Heepung said that Hyungsik was extremely devoted to his eldest grandson, Eungzou. When most parents become parents and have their first offspring, it is natural for them to be happy. Personally speaking, from Hyungsik's point of view, he himself was an adopted son. And since he had no children, he himself had an adopted son, Heepung. And Hyungsik's adopted son, Heepung, had a son, Eungzou. Just by imagining how precious the grandson, Eungzou, must have been to Hyungsik, one can guess.