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W11 W14Sangdam,Moon,Hankook,Kyungin
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II-11. 상담문한국경인상담,문,한국,경인
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W11. or W10-2. 1651-1735 Sangdam (상담尙聃) or Sangryun (상련尙聯)(Hwan’s 2nd Son)  Cheomjungchu(Major General)

  • 字 希隱 孝廟 辛卯生 丙辰 武科 宣傳官 壽階僉中樞 乙卯 十月 十日 卒 壽八十五 配 淑夫人 全州 李氏 驪川君 烱淳 忌 九月 二十 二日 墓 先塋下 亥坐 有石物. 長曰珌, 次曰璊, 三曰珩, 四曰瑞 字無

  • Sangdam’s Courtesy name was Heeun (희은希隱A sense of optimism or aspiration). Sangdam was born on April 15th of the lunar month in 1651 (June 2, 1651孝宗2; 辛卯年 King Hyojong, two years ruling) and died on October 10, 1735 (November 23, 1735 英祖11; 乙卯年 King Youngjo, eleven years of ruling) at the age of 80. Hyomyo (효묘 孝廟) means the 15th day of the April of lunar month. In 1676 (the 2nd year of King Sukjong 肅宗2; 丙辰年), Sangdam served as Seonjeongwan (宣傳官소장Major General) in the military examination. Sangdam served as Cheomjungchu (僉中樞currently, administrator or military rank Major General) as a government official succession (壽階) given to older people. Sangdam’s spouse was Jeonju Lee Clan and she had "Sukbuin (淑夫人 Jeong 3 Pum, Dangsanggwan, director or Brigadier General)", an official position. Sangdam’s spouse's father was Hyungsun, Ryuchungun. ‘Ryuchungun' was the title given by the king after sealing it. Sangdam’s spouse died September 22 (did not indicate year). Sangdam’s grave was located beneath the ancestral graves (先塋下), and the direction of the graves was 30° (亥坐) north to west. In the cemetery, there were objects such as tombstones made of stones or animals made of stones (石物). Sangdam had four sons, Phil(1st son 珌), Moon(2nd son 璊), Hyung(3rd son 珩), and Seo(4th son 瑞). Seo did not have a child.


W12. or W11-2. 1680-1726 Moon(문, 璊) (Sangdam’s 2nd Son)

  • 字 敬獻 庚申 正月 十一日生 丙午 九月 五日卒. 配 南陽 洪氏 父 宣傳官 聖疇 丁巳 八月 二十八日生 壬戌 四月 十六日卒. 墓 中蓮 行首洞 芳花橋

  • Moon’s Courtesy name was Kyunghun (경헌敬獻Polite and respectful heart). Moon was born on January 11, 1680 (February 10, 1680 肅宗6; 庚申年 King Sukjong, six years of ruling) and died on September 5, 1726 (September 30, 1726 英祖2). Moon’s spouse’s family name was Hong (남양 홍씨 Hong Clan in Namyang Province) and was born on August 28, 1677 (September 24, 1677 肅宗3; 丁巳年 King Sukjong, three years of ruling) and died on April 16, 1742 (May 20, 1724 英祖18; 壬戌年 King Youngjo, eighteen years of ruling) and the spouse’s father, Sungju, was a Seonjeongwan (currently, manager or military rank Major General). Moon’s cemetery was in Banwha Bridge, Haengsoo-dong, Joongryun. Moon’s son’s name was Hankook (翰國).

W13. 1710-1764 Hankook(한국, 翰國)

  • Hankook’s 2nd son’s descendant, Seokyeon, succeeded the 18th Generation

  • 字 翊栽 庚寅 七月 二十六日生 甲申 十二月 十二日卒 子 慶仁 慶義 慶禮 慶智 字無 配 長湍 金氏 父 聲遠 丁亥 正月 一日生 乙酉 三月二十五日卒 墓先塋下

  • Hankook’s Courtesy name was Ikje (익재翊栽Promising talent). Hankook was born on July 26, 1710 (August 20, 1710肅宗36; 庚寅 King Sukjong, thirty-six years of ruling) and died on December 12, 1764 (January 3, 1764 英祖40; 甲申年 King Youngjo, forty years of ruling). Hankook’s sons were Kyungin (1st son 慶仁), Kungui (2nd son 慶義), Kyungrye (3rd son 慶禮), and Kyungji (4th son 慶智 - No child). Hankook’s spouse’s name was Kim (장단 김씨 Kim Clan in Jangdan Province) and Hankook’s spouse’s father’s was Sungwon.  Hankook’s spouse was born on February 3, 1707 (May 31, 1707 肅宗33; 丁亥年 King Sukjong, thirty-three years of ruling) and died on May 14, 1765 (July 12, 1765 英祖4; 乙酉年 King Youngjo, four years of ruling). Hankook’s grave was under his ancestor’s graves(先塋下).

W14. 1728-1779 Kyungin(경인, 慶仁) Tongdukrang(Major)

  • 字 聖由 英祖 丁未 十一月 二日生 忌 己亥 二月 十二日. 通德郞. 墓 陵洞 西麓 辰坐 配 固城 李氏 父 岦 祖 忠義衛 瑜 曾祖 忠義衛 埰 外祖 嘉善同中樞 淸州 韓凞徵 戊寅十二月 二十四日生. 墓 芳花橋 東麓 卯坐. 子 泰和 處和

  • Kyungin’s Courtesy name was Sungyu (성유聖由 The Fundamental Reason for Having Sacredness). Kyungin was born on November 20, 1727 (January 1, 1728 英祖3; 丁未年 King Youngjo, three years of ruling) and died on February 12, 1779 (March 29, 1779 正祖3; 己亥年 King Jungjo, three years of ruling). Kyungin’s job title was Tongdukrang (通德郞currently, Major). Kyungin’s cemetery was in Reungdong (陵洞) at the foot of the western mountain (西麓), and the direction of the tomb was 120° (辰坐) clockwise from north to south.

  • Kyungin’s spouse’s family name was Lee (고성 이씨 Lee Clan in Kosung Province) and his spouse’s father was Rib, the grandfather was Chunguiwe (military guarding the king) Yu (Bodyguard), and the great-grandfather was Chunguiwe Chae (Commander). His spouse’s maternal grandfather, Heeijing, served as Gaseondongjungchu (嘉善同中樞Minister), and was a Cheongju Han Clan (淸州 韓凞徵). His spouse was born on December 24, 1728 (January 23, 1729 英祖4; 戊寅年 King Youngjo, four years of ruling). Her cemetery was located in Eastern (東麓) Bangwha bridge (芳花橋) and the direction of the tomb was east (90°卯坐). Kyungin had two sons, Tewha (1st son 泰和) and Cheowha (2nd son 處和).

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