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W3 W5Eulchong,Hwak,Jajung
00:00 / 01:42
II-3 을충확자정을충,확,자정
00:00 / 00:34

W3. ?-? Eulchung(을충, 乙忠)

  • 承 庭訓 隱德 不仕

  • Eulchung did not try to get any government job based on his father’s directions. (Sook 숙肅).

W4. ?-? Hwak(확, 確)

  • 承祖訓 隱德不仕 贈 戶曹參議 忌 十月十四日. 有二子 長曰 克靖 次曰 自靖

  • Hwak did not try to get any government job based on his grandfather’s directions (Sook, 숙, 肅). Hwak did not want to serve as a government official, so he received the title of Hojochamui (戶曹參議 currently, Major General) at the Joseon court after his death. Hwak died on October 14 (did not indicate the year), and 1st son’s name was Keukjung and 2nd son’s name was Jajung.


W5. or W4-2.?-?  Jajung (자정, 自靖) (Hwak’s 2nd son) Hojochamui(Major General)

  • 登 武科 行 兎山 縣監 贈 戶曹參議 忌 三月 三日. 配 貞夫人 草溪 鄭氏 父 復興. 墓 上同, 有二子 長曰 健. 次曰 偉

  • Jajung got the government job which was Hyeongam (縣監, the chief of the village) in Tosan (Kumchon, Hwanghae Province) Province. Jajung kept the title called as ‘Hojochameui (戶曹參議 Major General)’ after his death. Jajung died March 3 (did not indicate the year). Jajung’s spouse, was Jeong Clan in Chogye Province (초계정씨) and a government official (官爵) used for a woman as "Jeongbuin (貞夫人, Jeong and Jong 2 Pum, Minister)", an official position granted to a spouse according to her husband's civil service rank. Her father’s name was Bokheung (復興). Jajung’s grave was in the grave of Jajung’s father, Hwak (上同). Jajung had two sons and the 1st one’s name was Kun and 2nd one’s name was We. 

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