Cheomji of Jeonseo Fraction of Wonju Byun(邊/邉) Clan
Shenyang Feudal Lord(Yuan), Jeonseo(Minister in Goryeo), Cheomji(Major General in Joseon)
1. Key Glossary in Goryeo and Joseon Dynasty
Jakwe (爵位): An honorary name given to a person who has contributed to the country. This has been used since the early Goryeo period and appears in literature. It was institutionalized during the reign of King Munjong, the 11th king of Goryeo (1046-1083). The titles are Duke (公, i.e., 典書 公 派 is Duke Jeonseo fraction, Jeonseo was the government post of Jeong 3 Pum), Hu (侯), State Duke (國公), Gungong (郡公), Hyeonhu (懸侯), Hyeonbaek (縣伯), Gaegukja (開國子), Hyeonnam (縣男), etc. The king of Goryeo gave a Tenant-in-chief (Sikeup) corresponding to his title. It was abolished after the 25th king of Goryeo, King Chungryeol (1274-1308). From the time of King Chungryeol, Goryeo was ruled by the Yuan Dynasty. In 1356, in the 5th year of King Gongmin's reign, the system of titles such as Gong (公), Hu (侯), Baek (伯), Ja (子), and Nam (男) was implemented again. The title system of the Goryeo Dynasty was inherited in the early Joseon Dynasty as well.
Sikeup (食邑, Tenant-in-chief): The government official who received the land tax from the king received it.
Buwongun (府院君): A title given to a king's father-in-law or a meritorious official of Jeong 1 Pum. The name of the region was used in front of Buwongun.
Geomgyo (檢校): In the late Goryeo and early Joseon Dynasty, when a government official position was temporarily increased to more than the maximum number of seats, or public officials were not entrusted with public affairs but only had a name, it was a word attached to the name of the official position. i.e., Geomkyo Munhasijung (檢校 門下侍中), Geomkyo Jeongseung (檢校 政丞), etc.
In 995 (the 14th year of King Seongjong of Goryeo), when the government offices and military bureaucrats were divided, from Jong 2 Pum to Jong 5 Pum, the title was Daebu (大夫), and Jong 5 Pum or less, the position is Rang (郞). In 1308 (the 34th year of King Chungryeol of Goryeo), from Jeong 2 Pum to Jong 4 Pum were Daebu(大夫), 5 Pum was Rang (郞). During the Joseon Dynasty, from Jeong 1 Pum to Jong 5 Pum, the Daebu (大夫), Jeong 5 Pum and below Jeong 5 Pum were called Rang (郞).
Byeoksangsamhansamjungdaegwang (壁上三韓三重大匡): This is Jeong 1 Pum of Goryeo dynasty used in 1362 (the 11th year of King Gongmin).
Cheonho hu (千戶 侯): One of the Feudal Lord with 1,000 of people, and one of the Mongol soldiers and soldiers during the reign of King Chungryeol of Goryeo.
Anchalsa (按察使) or Annyeomsa (安廉使); During the Goryeo Dynasty, in the early days of the local government, it was called as Jeoldosa (節度使, Major General). In 1012, in the 3rd year of King Gongyang of Goryeo, it was called Anchalsa(按察使). In 1064, in the 18th year of King Munjong of Goryeo, it was called Dobuseo(都府署). In 1390, in the 2nd year of King Goyang of Goryeo, it was called the Provincial Anchalsa. In 1392, in the 4th year of Goyang of Goryeo, the Provincial Anchalsa was abolished and Anryeomsa(安廉使) was established again.
Jeonunsa (轉運使): This is the position that brings rice to Seoul with tax from the provinces.
Chamjijeongsa (參知政事); During the Goryeo Dynasty, it was Jong 2 Pum (General Secretary) of the Jungseomunhaseong(中書門下省), and was renamed Cheomuipyeongri(參知政事).
Princess Noguk: The spouse of King Gongmin of Goryeo. She was the daughter of King Wei, the head of the Yuan Dynasty, and she married King Gongmin in the Yuan Dynasty in 1349 (King Chungjeong). After King Gongmin ascended the throne, she returned to Goryeo with the king. She suffered from difficult labor in 1364 (the 13th year of King Gongmin) and died in February of the following year.
Jeungjik (贈職: 追贈): Those who lose their job as a relative, civil servant, or military officer, and are 2 Pum or higher, their paternal ancestors are posthumously honored (ranked after the death of a government official) or raising a rank, or giving a posthumous office to a person who died without office). Parents will be demoted in their ranks, and grandparents and great-grandparents will be demoted one item each in their ranks, in order, and will be promoted.
Sugye (壽階: a rank bestowed upon an elderly person). If the age is over 80, regardless of whether it is a good person or a heavenly person, 1 Pum was given, and those who have original rank are promoted to 1 Pum. However, Dangsanggwan (堂上官) are promoted to the position only when they have special privileges from the king. As her nobleman's spouse, who is 90 years old, gives her title. Her husband shall not rise in rank because of his spouse's service.
Dangsanggwan (堂上官): Refers to officials of Jeong 3 Pum or higher, civil servants or military officials, or ministers of ministries.
Woohu (虞侯): A military post during the Joseon Dynasty, a post next to the Army Major General and Navy Major General assigned to each province. The soldier Wuhu (兵馬虞候, Major General) is the Jong 3 Pum, and the naval force Wuhu (水軍虞侯, Colonel) is the Jong 4 Pum.
Jungchuwon (中樞院 or 中樞府): An official position that gives preferential treatment to civil servants (文), military officers (武), and party officials (堂上官) without certain duties.
Dongchu (同樞) is the abbreviation of Dongjungchuro + Dongjijungchubusa (中樞府事: Jong 2 Pum, Assistant secretary, Lieutenant general).
Byeokrando (碧瀾渡): A port located in the lower reaches of the Yeseonggang River during the Goryeo Dynasty.
Seongseongwan (宣傳官): During the Joseon Dynasty, an official of the Seongseongwan Office.
Suseok: Jeong 3 Pum Dangsangkwan, Chamsangkwan (From Jeong 6 Pum (Officer, Lieutenant) to Jeong 3 Pum (Administrative Officer, Military Rank Major General)), Chamhakwan, 6 Pum and below.
Chambong (參奉): An official position during the Joseon Dynasty. Jong 9 Pum (Secretary, Sergeant).
2. The Woman's Government Position 여자의 직책
Naemyeongbu (內命婦)
It refers to women who received dignity from the court during the Joseon Dynasty.
1 Pum: Bin (嬪)
2 Pum: Kuiin (貴人)
3 Pum: Soui (昭儀)
4 Pum: Sukui
5 Pum: Soyong (昭容)
6 Pum: Sookyong (淑容)
7 Pum: Sowon (昭媛)
8 Pum: Sukwon (淑媛)
9 Pum: Sangkung (尙宮)
At the highest level, it is the king's spouse, 'Bi(妃)', but 'Bi(妃)' is a shaman with no dignity like the king, who controls the internal affairs.
Oemyeongbu (外命婦)
This was used for women during the Goryeo and Joseon Dynasty and was granted to the spouse according to her husband's civil service rank.
Jeong and Jong 1 Pum: Jungkyungbuin (貞敬 夫人)
Jeong and Jong 2 Pum: Jungbuin (貞 夫人)
Jeong 3 Pum: Sukbuin (淑 夫人)
Jong 3 Pum: Sukin (淑人)
Jeong and Jong 4 Pum: Youngin (令人)
Jeong and Jong 5 Pum: Kogin (恭人)
Jeong and Jong 6 Pum: Uiin (宜仁)
Jeong and Jong 7 Pum: Anin (安人)
Jeong and Jong 8 Pum: Danin (端人)
Jeong and Jong 9 Pum: Yuin (孺人)
3. Comparison of Government Posts in the Goryeo (高麗) Dynasty with Modern Positions
Jeong 1 Pum (Prime Minister): 太師 (Taisha): Taebu(太傅), Taebo(太保), Samjungdaeguang(三重大匡), Byeoksangsamhansamjungdaegwang (壁上三韓三重大匡), Taewi(太尉), Sado(司徒), Sagong(司空), Sangjuguk (上柱國 = The 1st rank of public service and rank for a country or monarch)
Jong 1 Pum (Deputy Prime Minister): Jungseoryeong (中書令): later corrected with Docheomui (都僉議) or Cheomuijeongseung (僉議政丞), Pan munhaseongsa (判門下省事 predecessor of Jungseoryeong中書令), Sijung(侍中 later corrected to Cheomuijungchan (僉議中贊)), Sangseoryeong(尙書令), Pansangseoseongsa(判尙書省事Jaeshin (a title used to call the highest-ranking political official who assisted the king) concurrently held the post.), Kamsakuksa (監修國事Simultaneously serving as the chief official of the historical official), Pansamsasa (判三司事), Juguk (柱國 The 2nd rank of public service and rank for a country or monarch)
Jeong 2 Pum (Minister, Vice Minister, Head of Headquarters, Provincial Governor): Jwawuboksin (左右僕射): Jongseosirang (中書侍郞), Taejabinkaek (太子賓客), Taehaksa (太學士later renamed Daejehak), Chunchugwansa (春秋館事best position in Chunchugwan), Chanseongsa (贊成事), Pannaesibusa (判內侍府事), Pyeongjangsa(平章事): Chamjijeongsa (參知政事), Sangseo (尙書 later called Jeonseo (典書) or Panseo (判書), Jeong 2 Pum or Jeong 3 Pum)
Jong 2 Pum (Deputy Minister, Lieutenant General): Panjungchubusa (判中樞府事), Jichumilwonsa(知樞密院事), Jeongdangmunhak (政堂文學), Munhapyeongri(門下評理), Jubo(主簿), Dongji (同知)
Jeong 3 Pum (Manager, Major General): Busa(副使): Sangsi (常侍), Jishinsa (知申事later corrected to Jijusa (知奏事)) Seungseon (承宣 later corrected by Seungji (承旨), Seungseongam (承宣監) and Seungseongyeong (承宣卿) is the head of each government office, Jong 3 Pum), Eosadaebu (御史大夫), Sanghoun(上護軍 correcting Sangjanggun (上將軍))
Jong 3 Pum (Director, Director General, Brigadier General)
Jeong 4 Pum (Deputy Director, Colonel) Jigonggeo (知貢擧)
Jong 4 Pum (Lieutenant Colonel): Jikhaksa (直學士): Ganui (諫議) and Bongsang (奉常), Taebusogyeong (太府少卿)
Jeong 5 Pum (Secretary, Major, Governor): Rangjung (郞中): Jungnangjang (中郞將)
Jong 5 Pum (Deputy Governor): Sieosa (侍御史), Biseoseung (秘書丞), Kigeoju (起居注)
Jeong 6 Pum (Officer, Captain, Major of Town) Wonoerang (員外郞): Jwawujungeon (左右正言), Seupyu (拾遺 predecessor of jeongeon), Bogwol (補闕 official post of Jungseomunhasung, later corrected to Hyunnap 獻納), Sanuibongeo(尙衣奉御)
Jong 6 Pum Naegeubsa (內給事): Biseogyorang (秘書校郞), Biseorang (秘書郞), Rangjang (郞將)
Jeong 7 Pum (Master, Chief, Lieutenant): Jihoo (祗候)
Jong 7 Pum: Juseo(注書)
Jeong 8 Pum (Assistant Secretary, 2nd Lieutenant, Warrant Officer): Noksa (錄事)
Jong 8 Pum: Seungsarang (承仕郞)
Jeong 9 Pum (Clerk, 1st Sergeant, Sergent 1st Class): Keupsa (給事)
Jong 9 Pum (Assistant Clerk, Staff Sergeant): Jangsarang (將仕郞)
1st Pum Grand General (大將軍)
2nd Pum Pyojanggun (驃騎將軍): The highest-ranking military officer who normally leads the military. A general in command of an army.
2nd Pum Geogijanggun (車騎將軍): A high-ranking military officer next to Pyogijanggun (驃騎將軍). A general in command of the tank and cavalry units.
2nd Pum Camouflage Army (衛將軍): A high-ranking military officer next to Geogijanggun (車騎將軍). There are duties such as guarding the emperor and defending the palace.
2nd Pum: Great General of the Jungkun(中軍 大將軍 great general of central army), Great General of Hakun(下軍 大將軍great general of support army), Great General of Jinkun(鎭軍 大將軍great general of local army), Great General of Mukun(撫軍 大將軍great general of training army), Great General of Namjung(南中 大將軍great general of south army), Great General of Bokuk (輔國 大將軍great general of assistant army).
2nd Pum Sajung (四征) Generals: General Jeongdong (征東 將軍 General for the Conquest of the East), General Jeongseo (征西 將軍General for the Conquest of the West), General Jeongnam (征南 將軍General for the Conquest of the North), General Jeongbuk (征北 將軍General for the Conquest of the South)
4. Comparison between Government Posts in Joseon (조선朝鮮) Dynasty and Current Positions
Jeong 1 Pum, current Prime Minister: Yeonguijeong, Jwauijeong, and Woouijeong
Jong 1 Pum, current Deputy Prime Minister: Jwachanseong, Woochansung, Judge
Jeong 2 Pum, current Minister, Vice Minister, General Manager, Provincial Governor: Governor, Panseo, Jwachamchan, Woochamsa, Daejehak, Dochongkwan
Jong 2 Pum, currently Deputy Minister Lieutenant General: Dongjisa Champan Sangseon, Dongjisa Deputy Governor, Governor, Buyoon, Byunmajeodosa
Jeong 3 Pum, current Managerial Director: Chamuijijehak, Cheomjisa, Moksa, Byeongmajeoljesa
Jong 3 Pum, current Director, Director General, Brigadier General: Daehogun, Bujang, Dohobusa, Byeongmacheomjeoljesa
Jeong 4 Pum, currently Deputy Director Colonel: Hogun
Jong 4 Pum, currently Lieutenant Colonel: Kyungryuk Cheomjeong, Buhokun Cheomjeong, Kunsu, Byungmadongjeoljesa
Jeong 5 Pum, current Secretary, Major, County Governor: Jeongrangbyeoljwakyori, Sajik
Jong 5 Pum, current Vice-Governor: Dosapankwan, Dosabusajikpankwan, Dosapankwanhunryung
Jeong 6 Pum, current Secretary, Captain Lieutenant: Jwaryangbyulje
Jong 6 Pum: Jubukyosu, Bujang, Sumunjang, Jongsakwan, Chalbang, Huyunkam, Kyosu, Byungmajedowe
Jeong 7 Pum, current Chief, Chief, Lieutenant: Paksa, Sajungchamkun
Jong 7 Pum: Jikjang, Busajung
Jeong 8 Pum, current Governor, 2nd Lieutenant, Lieutenant: Jeojak, Samaeng
Jong 8 Pum: Bonsa, Busamaeng
Jeong 9 Pum, current Clerk, 1st Sergeant, Sergeant 1st Class
Jong 9 Pum, Current Assistant Clerk, Staff Sergeant: Chambong