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II-6 위
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W6. or W5-2. 1498-1566 We(위, 偉), (Jajung’s Second Son)  Jwachanseong(Deputy Prime Minister)

  • 字 太虛 弘治 戊午生 乙酉 進士 丙午 文科 以承文學正文武才聞於 上卽遷北評事 歷兵禮二曹佐郞 丙寅 正月 八日卒 壽 五十七 贈 左贊成公行己處具率無私文章武略見重一世. 配 贈 貞敬夫人 金氏 无育 父 正郞佑謹, 后配 贈 貞敬 夫人 驪興 閔氏 父 部將希賢 祖 司直質, 曾祖 五常 平章事定懿 公珪后. 忌 正月 十四日 享年 五十三 墓 上同 甲座 雙封 有 標石 有 五子 長曰 良輔, 次曰 良佐, 三曰 良佑, 四曰 良彦, 五曰 良傑

  • We’s Courtesy name was Taeheo (태허太虛In perfect harmony with the natural world). We was a person who forgets about his own interests and works for the public without prejudice. He was evaluated as a great person with both knowledge and experience. We was born in 1498 (戊午年生, 燕山君4, the 4th year of King Yeonsan’s reign), became a Jinsa in 1525 (乙酉年, 中宗21, the 21st year of King Jungjong’s reign), and in 1546 (丙午年, 明宗1, the 1st year of king Myungjong’s reign), he passed the Mungwa Siknyeonsi (an examination conducted regularly every three years in the Joseon Dynasty). We was also talented at a military service exam. He got the title of Bukpyeongsa (Jeong 6 Pum, Captain, Hamgyong Province), and a Jwarang (Captain) of a Byungjo and Yejo (Jeong 6 Pum of the office of military and the office of tradition and education). We died at the age of 57 on January 8, 1566 (January 28, 1566丙寅年, the 21st year of king Myungjong’s reign). After his death, he was invested with the title of a Jwachanseong (Jong 1 Pum of a supreme governing office, Deputy Prime Minister).

  • We married a woman whose surname was Kim. She was invested with the title of a Jungkyungbuin (a title given to the spouse of Jeong or a Jong 1 Pum officer). She had no offspring. Her father, Wugeun, was invested with the title of the Jungryang (Jeong 5 Pum position Secretary or Major). We married a woman of the Ryuheung Min Clan (여흥 민씨), as his 2nd spouse. We’s 2nd spouse was invested with the title of Jungkyungbuin (currently, Prime Minister). We’s 2nd spouse’s father, Huihyeon, was invested with the title of a Bujang (currently, Battalion Commander), We’s 2nd spouse’s grandfather, Jil, was invested with the title of a Sajik (currently, Major), We’s 2nd spouse’s great-grandfather, Ohsang. Ohsang was a descendant of Pyeongjangsa Jeongui Gonggyu. Jeongui was a kind of title, and when a Pyeongjangsa (currently, Minister) received this title, Ohsang was treated at the same level as Yeonguijeong (領議政), the country's highest honorary post. We’s spouse died at the age of fifty-three on December 14 (did not indicated year). We’s grave was in the grave of We’s father, Jajung (上同). The direction of tome was 75° (甲座) north to east. Ssangbong (雙封) means that two burial mounds were made side by side with a little distance from the same tomb. There was a tombstone on the tomb (標石). The 2nd spouse had 5 sons, Ryangbo (1st son 良輔, Cheomjigong Fraction, Major General, 첨지공파, 僉知公派), Ryangjwa (2nd son 良佐, Gapsangong갑산공 甲山公), Ryangwu (3rd son 良佑, Moksagong목사공 牧使公), Ryangun (4th son 良彦, Jangsaranggon장사랑공 將仕郞公), and Ryanggirl (5th son 良傑, Jeonguigong정의공 貞毅公). The sons each made a different fraction. During the Japanese invasions of Korea, commonly known as the Limjin War, the 5th son, Ryanggirl (良傑) was a naval commander in Chungcheong Province (currently a general) and made a significant contribution to defending Ganghwa Island.

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