Cheomji of Jeonseo Fraction of Wonju Byun(邊/邉) Clan
Shenyang Feudal Lord(Yuan), Jeonseo(Minister in Goryeo), Cheomji(Major General in Joseon)
W15. 1750-? Taehwa(태화, 泰和)
字 時中 庚午生 配 長水 黃氏 父 正源 祖 鎭國 曾祖 應休 外祖 宣略將軍行宣傳官 全州 李天培, 配 德水 李氏 父 燮. 墓 芳花橋上 卯坐 祔
Taehwa’s Courtesy name was Sijung (시중時中The right person for all occasions). Taehwa was born in 1750 (英祖26; 庚午年 King Younjo, twenty-six years of ruling). Taehwa’s spouse’s family name was Hwang (Hwang Clan in Jangsoo) and his spouse’s father’s name was Jeongwon and his spouse’s grandfather’s name was Jinkuk and his spouse’s great-grandfather’s name was Eunghu and his spouse’s mother’s father’s name was Chunbea Lee (전주 이씨 Lee Clan in Jeonju Province). The spouse's mother's father's title was Seonryakjanggun haeng Seonjeongwan (currently, Major General) and his name, Chunbae, was Jeonju Lee Clan and the spouse's maternal grandfather's mother was Duksu Lee (덕수 이씨) Clan, and the spouse's maternal grandfather's mother's father was Sub. Taehwa’s cemetery was located on northern (上) Bangwha bridge (芳花橋), and the grave was in the eastern direction (90°卯坐)and Taehwa and his spouse shared the same grave.
W16. 1773-? Dongwoo(동우, 東羽)
字 國甫 癸巳生 忌 七月 五日 墓 芳花橋上 寅坐. 配 慶州 李氏 父 澤萬 祖 欽 曾祖 亨基 外祖 全義 李寅祥 庚寅生 墓 乾位 祔
Donwoo’s Courtesy name was Kukbo (국보國甫 A person who guides the country correctly). Donwoo was born in 1773 (英祖49; 壬子年 King Youngjo, forty-nine years of ruling) and died on July 5 (did not indicate year). Donwoo’s cemetery was located in northern Bangwhakyo (芳花橋上). Donwoo’s cemetery’s direction of the tomb was 60° (寅坐). Donwoo’s spouse’s family name was Lee (경주 이씨 Lee Clan in Kyungju Province) and Donwoo’s spouse’s father’s name was Tekman and Donwoo’s spouse’s grandfather’s name was Hum and Donwoo’s spouse’s great grandfather’s name was Hyungki and Donwoo’s spouse’s mother’s father’s name was Jeonui Insang who was born in 1770 (英祖46; 庚寅年 King Youngjo, forty-six years of ruling). Dongwoo's Kunwi (乾位 male ancestral tablet or tomb) and Donwoo’s spouse shared the same grave (祔).
W17. 1792-1853 (No Son) Jihyun(지현, 志賢) - Eighth Cousin Jikwang
Jihyun W13-1-1-1-1
Jikwang W13-2-1-1-1
字 善元 壬子 七月 十四日生 癸丑 七月 九日卒 墓 中連 行首洞 庚坐. 配 全州 李氏 父 光國 祖 道興 曾祖 暎規 外祖 平山 申廷樞 庚戌 二月 八日生 忌 十二月 二十六日 墓 乾位 祔 志賢 志光 間 八寸
Jihyun’s Courtesy name was Sunwon (선원善元 A good start in life). Jihyun was born on July 14, 1792 (August 31, 1792정조 正祖16; 壬子年 King Jungjo, sixteen years of ruling) and died in July 9, 1853 (August 13, 1853철종哲宗4; 癸丑年 King Chuljong, four years of ruling). Jihyun’s cemetery was located in Haengsu-dong Jungryun (중연 행수동 경좌 中連 行首洞) and 105° counterclockwise from north to south (庚坐). Jihyun’s spouse’s family name was Lee (전주 이씨 Lee Clan in Jeonju Province). Jihyun’s spouse’s father’s name was Kwangkuk. Jihyun’s spouse’s grandfather’s name was Doheung. Jihyun’s spouse’s great-grandfather’s name was Younkyu and Jihyun’s spouse’s mother’s father’s name, Jungju, was Pyungsan Shin Clan. Jihyun’s spouse was born in February 8, 1790 (March23, 1790정조 正祖14; 경무 庚戌年 King Jungjo, fourteen years of ruling) and died on the 26th of December. Jihyun's Kunwi (乾位 male ancestral tablet or tomb) and Jihyun’s spouse shared the same grave (祔). Jihyun had no son, so Jihyun adopted a son, Seokyeon, from his eighth cousin, Jihyun. Eight cousins are relatives of the same great-great-grandfather.
Jihyun (지현, 志賢) had No son. Jikwang (지광 志光) and Jihyun (지현, 志賢) were eight cousins. Jikwang’s (지광 志光) 1st son was Seokhyun (석현錫鉉) and 2nd son was Seokyeon (석연錫淵). Seokyeon (석연, 錫淵) was adapted as a son.