Cheomji of Jeonseo Fraction of Wonju Byun(邊/邉) Clan
Shenyang Feudal Lord(Yuan), Jeonseo(Minister in Goryeo), Cheomji(Major General in Joseon)
Wonju Byun Family Tree(Feudal lord in Shenyang , Duke Jeonseo and Cheomji fraction)
The Byun Clan of Wonju was a Feudal Lord in Shenyang' region and a member of the 'Jeonseo faction'. 'Feudal Lord' was a system of giving land during the monarchy, and 'Jeonseo fraction' was the current rank of Minister. The Byun Clan, who settled on the Korean peninsula, was passed down to the 5th generation descendant from the Hwangju Byun Clan. After the 5th generation descendant (Nul), the Byun Clan of Wonju split off and started, and there were currently 24 generation descendants. If you look at the generation descendant based on the Hwangju Byun family, the 24th Wonju Byun becomes the 31st Hwangju Byun.
My family tree, which was connected to Soo(8), Yijin(9), Hwan(10), Sangdam(11), Moon(12), Hankook(13), Kyungin(14), Taehwa(15), Dongwoo(16), Jihyun(17), Seokyeon(18), Seungphil(19), Hyungsik(20), and Heepung(21) and Rangbo(7). In fact, Rangbo (7) led to Rak(8), Yijin(9), Hwan(10), Sangdam(11), Moon(12), Hankook(13) Kyungui(14), Yonghwa(15), Donghwan(16), Jikwang(17), Seokyeon(18), Seunguk(19), Myungsik(20), and Heepung(21). Soo(8)’s youngest brother was Rak(8).
In the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17th generations, the first son succeeded, the second son in the 2nd, 5th, 6th, 11th, and 12th generations, and the third son in the 10th generation. The sons adopted from relatives are Yijin(9), Seokyeon(18), Hyungsik(20), and Heepung(21). Up to the 21st generation, the first son succeeded the generation 10 times (48%), the second son succeeded the generation 5 times (24%), the third son succeeded the generation 1 time (5%), and the adopted son 4 times (19%).
As the result above, the order of sons is not important for descendants to continue their generations and have their own genealogy. Passing on the genealogy to the descendants and passing on the genealogy to the descendants means that you can develop further if you know your ancestors and know yourself.

Original Document of 'Gaseung' 가승家乘원본原本